Eleanor Dougherty to Jane Addams, ca. December 1910

"In the Berkshires"

My dear Miss Addams,

Your book "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets" gave me so much inspiration that I wrote on completing it these few lines which I send you, not as literature, but as a personal tribute.

The idea of saving from death the invaluable [capacities] of youth is the one to which I most desire to give my life. [page 2] The possibilities along these lines by the use of music, the dramatic instinct, pantomime, folk songs and dances seem to me infinite, -- as you say in your first chapter.

I believe you know my brother Walter Hampton of the Servant in the House -- perhaps also my brother Paul Dougherty the painter. Anyway they know and admire you. May I offer you my thanks and admiration for though I am just one of those "young creatures" you do not despise.

Eleanor Dougherty.

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