Jane Addams to Mary Everts Ewing, December 2, 1922


My dear Mrs Ewing

My typhoid inoculation made writing on the steamer somewhat difficult -- so that I have delayed until our arrival here at The Hague to thank you and the rest of the family for the wonderful roses which you sent to the Volendam. They held their own for days and days and [page 2] always reminded me of a very dear family already redolent of good deeds and fragrant [ends] from Shakespeare!

We had a very smooth passage on a fine new ship with a Dutch captain whom I knew from two previous crossings and who is devoted to our cause. Our American delegation of eleven included Mrs Urie and Janet as far as Plymouth and nine others -- mostly Quakers -- who came on to The Hague. [page 3] We found a good Committee of English women and others added to the [Dutch] group who are preparing a very good Conference, ready to welcome us and we are as comfortable as possible in this hotel on the edge of the woods.  I hope you will see Mary Smith before she leaves on the 30th of Dec but of course you will ↑see her↓ at the Hull House Christmas concert if not before. I am getting so much advice in regard to Java [page 4] and India that I am sure we will have a most sanitary and constructive journey!

I am sending this thank you letter off somewhat hurriedly but mean to write more at length as soon as our conference is over and I can take breath. I am sending some material directly to Miss Culver and Mrs Thomas. With love to your entire household, I am devotedly yours Jane Addams

Dec 2d 1922