Martha Carey Thomas to Jane Addams, May 31, 1907


May 31, 1907.

Dear Miss Addams,

Miss Garrett and I are really very anxious for you to spend the night of the 17th of June with us, "stopping off" at Bryn Mawr instead of at Overbrook. There are several matters which we are most anxious for an opportunity to talk over with you before the autumn; and this would give us the much-wished-for opportunity. You can leave the Deanery as early as necessary. I frequently take the first train that leaves Philadelphia for New York. I shall get time-tables and find out exactly what will be your best connection for Mount Holyoke. 

Do arrange to stay with us if you can. If you would like, we will invite your Overbrook relatives to dine with you before your address.

Very sincerely yours,

Miss Jane Addams.

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