Gustave Ador to Catherine Elizabeth Marshall, September 30, 1921


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Mixed Commission
of the International Committee of the Red Cross. and the League of Societies of the Red Cross.

Geneva, September 30, 1921.

Mrs Catherine Marshall,
Vice President,
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Geneva.


On August 18, we had the honor to communicate to you the decisions of the International Conference meeting in Geneva on August 15 and 16 to examine the means to rescue Russia and to form an organization for this purpose.

By resolution 4 of the Conference, the Joint Commission of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies was tasked with appointing an International Rescue Committee composed of representatives of Governments and delegates of associations that have already deployed or intend to deploy a great deal of activity in favor of Russia.

The purpose of setting up this Committee is to mark the international character of the relief action for Russia and to help establish in each country a co-ordination between the various governmental and private organizations. Its main function will be to deal with propaganda and to support, by putting them in contact with each other, the various relief actions in favor of the starving countries.

Consequently, the Mixed Commission has the honor to ask your association to come to appoint its representative in this committee. She would be particularly happy if the choice of your association focusing on the person, probably already is responsible for concentrating the efforts made by your organization for relief action in Russia.

Knowing the great interest that your association has in Russia and the encouragement it has already given to the recommended international organization, we hope, Madam, that you will kindly give us an answer as soon as possible so that it may be formed in a [illegible] delay the organ provided for by resolution 4 of the Geneva Conference.

To avoid the creation of new central organs and the inopportune convening of a large committee whose members will above all have the task of sustaining the action in their own country, the Mixed Commission will remain the central correspondent of the [page 2] representatives appointed by the different countries and major relief associations, and will be at their disposal to give them all the useful information and to help them in their propaganda work.

We further have the honor to inform you that Dr. Nansen, High Commissioner appointed by the Geneva Conference, has entered into talks with the Government of the Soviets and reached an arrangement which makes the planned relief action possible. He himself has already communicated to you the text of this agreement, which broadly reproduces the agreement concluded with Mr. Hoover and which provides governments and associations with the necessary guarantees of control over the use of the loans and donations that they grant to Russia.

As far as we are concerned, we [illegible] will not neglect anything with a view to [illegible] the right to make any inquiries deemed essential for serious checks.

Pending your favorable response, please accept, Madam, the assurance of our highest consideration.

For the Mixed Commission:

(signed) G. Ador,

President of the International Committee of the Red Cross.