Albion W. Small to the Editor of the Chicago Tribune, March 14, 1908


March 14th, 1908.

To the Editor of the 
Sunday Tribune: —

Dear Sir: —

The Tribune of this (Saturday) morning has on the first page a headline "HARLAN IS NOT INVOLVED". Half a column following interprets the legend. It seems to me that in this particular instance the Tribune falls distinctly below itself. An adequate version of the facts would require the headline "HARLAN HAS NO CLAIM TO A SHARE IN THE CREDIT." A tragedy has shocked and saddened and humiliated Chicago. No version that ↑has↓ been presented to the public offers a convincing explanation of its mysteries. It is apparently possible that the whole affair, from beginning to end, is not anarchy coming to its own, but a series of pitiable misunderstandings. At all events, no more patriotic service could be performed in connection with the case, than thorough judicial inquiry into every fact which might tend to elicit the exact and whole truth. No one who loves law and justice can be content so long as anything is undone to assure impartial treatment to the most friendless and helpless persons in our population. The men and women who have volunteered for this investigation deserve the applause of every follow citizen who wants faith in the humaneness of our institutions to be established. Any form of language which implies that such [highminded] patriots belong in a suspicious class is a public misfortune. On the contrary, Chicago has no citizen so eminent that his title to respect would not be strengthened by participation in such a timely public service.

Very respectfully,

Albion W. Small [signed]