Sophia Heatly Dulles to Jane Addams, February 8, 1921

MÜNCHEN, Residenz Königsbau, Max-Josephs-Platz 3[illegible]

Dear Miss Addams --

I want to thank you very much for the introduction to the German members of the Women's International League which Miss Winsor forwarded to me. It has only reached me now as it went to Vienna by mistake!

I have just called on Frau Heymann at whose house I also met Dr. Anita [Augspurg] and it was most refreshing and interesting to talk with them in these hard days. They say that their work for the League has been brought to a standstill by the present situation. I am so grateful to you for the opportunity of knowing these women and am looking forward to meeting others.

Yours sincerely

Sophia H. Dulles

Feb 8.