Alice Kauser to Jane Addams, June 5, 1920


June 5, 1920.

Miss Jane [Addams],
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss [Addams]: --

I thank you very much for your letter of June 1st with its very interesting enclosures. I have not seen data set out in such illuminating manner.

I understand that the American Red Cross at [Vladivostok] has been evacuated. If I may venture to say, the suggestion about writing the State Department and the American Red Cross is excellent and could be a great help.

We are experiencing great difficulty in raising our quota of $300,000. There seems to be an apathy and a great indifference on the part of people. The excuse that every one is tired of hearing unpleasant things is constantly given one. Judging from the magnificent work accomplished by the "SAVE THE CHILDREN" fund of England and other relief works, the people there seem to be much more keenly alive to the peril and menace of the existing situation in Central Europe. I think that the public spirited men in England would help towards the repatriation of those poor wretched Siberian Prisoners of War who were liberated in 1918.

Faithfully yours,

Alice Kauser [signed]

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