Julius Rosenwald to Jane Addams, May 11, 1908


J. R.

Chicago, 5/11/08.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, City.

My Dear Miss Addams:-

Please pardon my delay in acknowledging receipt of the copy of "Charities and Commons" containing your splendid article.

Cannot some way be devised by which this article will receive very wide publicity? In my humble judgment nothing should be left undone to bring this article forcibly before the country at large, and particularly before Chicagoans. While it is true that the newspapers have published extracts, the extracts were not as potent as the complete article.

I have written Mr. Taylor today to send copies to certain people, among them, Franklin [MacVeagh] and Mr. [Bicknell]. 

Thanking you sincerely for your thoughtfulness in sending the article, [page 2] although I received my copy the following day, I am,

Yours very truly,

Julius Rosenwald