Evart Grant Routzahn to Jane Addams, May 8, 1908

American Tuberculosis Exhibition
National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
717 First National Bank Building
Birmingham, Alabama

May 8, 1908

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:-

May I add an expression of appreciation that you have voiced the feelings of many who feel that the Chicago police went far beyond the bounds of wisdom as well as of justice in connection with the handling of the anarchist situation.  Merely from what appeared in the three Chicago papers which I have receive, I can but believe that rank injustice had been committed.  In the issue for March 28th of the Saturday Evening Post there is an editorial upon the effect of publicity upon the development of the anarchist spirit, which of course is a less important side of the question than that which you have recently brought to the public attention.

I shall at any time ↑be glad to↓ do anything which might seem possible to ↑help↓ bring about a better situation in the administration of the police force, not alone in Chicago but elsewhere. I suppose of course you have had your attention called to many other instances illustrating the helplessness of innocent people while in the hands of the police.

I trust that it will be found best ↑possible↓ for you to have a conference with the folks in Nashville.  A group of women, part of whom are members of the Housekeepers Club, have glimpses of enlarged possibilities for service, but they have little idea as to principles and accepted methods.  Mrs. S. S. Crockett, Mrs. A. D. Cooke, and Mrs. John Hill Eakin are among the most hopeful, with the possibility of their developing as leaders.

My first desire is that your visit may keep the folks in line for the tuberculosis work, but even as a part of this campaign, the organized charities situation needs attention.  The executive of the United Charities is woefully out of date and hopelessly satisfied to remain in that condition.  Some of the other people realize that sometime is wrong, but haven't the courage or [page 2] knowledge to press for a better condition.

Very truly yours,

 E. G. Routzahn [signed]