My dear Manuel
I have just finished reading the last of the fifty sketches and want to congratulate you upon the writing of "The Color of Life." I read them all with the keenest interest -- and that is a test of a good book isn't ↑it?↓ especially as I found much profitable wisdom [combined] therewith.
I am sorry that I am not going to see you both [page 2] in Cedarville next week but I shall certainly have a glimpse of the happy family in November I hope. I am so glad to hear that Marcet is going to publish the fairy stories of which I have always predicted a great success.
We all have to swap stories of "literary experience" when we meet. I want to discuss several of the sketches with you. Thanking you for the copies you sent me, and with love to Marcet, I am always affectionately yours
Jane Addams