Jenkins Lloyd Jones to Jane Addams, December 18, 1907


Dec. 18, 1907

Miss Jane Addams,
The Hull House, Chicago.
Dear Miss Addams:--

I have received such peltings myself, and Dr. Hirsch seems to be kindly disposed.  I have had a letter from him in which he mildly puts away the frown but I think that when it is thrice offered he will accept it.  He suggests that possibly Carnegie will be here some time during the winter.  I am anxious to ease my conscience of its responsibility.  Dr. Hirsch says he will meet us any time we can arrange for preliminary conference.  It is up to me to call such a conference and obviously the Hull House is the place to do it.  Can we get eight or ten people, perhaps nine is better than ten together and lay the foundation for the larger committee of one hundred that Mr. Mead suggests. There is not the slightest use to try to project another "Peace Society" out of the old material and on old lines, for it will be dead at the borning.  But for our [nine] or twelve, -- who will they be?  Please review and complete this list. Suggest a time when it will be possible for you to be at the Hull House and I will try and round them up. Presumably it had better be a Sunday afternoon.  I am entangled for next Sunday.

Dr. Hirsch
Miss Addams
Mrs. Henrotin
Miss Hawley
Mr. Pons

(These last two because they are such persistent survivors of the old regime). [page 2]

Mrs. Plummer, or some other Quaker or Quakers

Mr. Pond, is it R. K., or somebody like him

Judge Mack, or some other judge

Here are eight and I make the ninth. Make it twelve and send me the list and time suggestion and I will round them up.  This Peace business will make pistols necessary if we do not settle it somehow. Perhaps you and I will wish we were going around the Horn with a galley and fleet in the interest of peace.

Good bye,