Jane Addams to Henry Churchill King, January 20, 1908


January 20th, 1908.

My dear Mr. King:--

I am really very sorry to have failed so wretchedly in the Washington appointment. The truth is that I undertook more things for this winter than I was able to carry through if I give the time that I should to the school board.

I could however, have gotten through, I think, if my niece had not set the date of her wedding a full fortnight earlier than she at first planned. But as this came about through a change of business plans on the part of the fortunate young man there seemed to be no help for it but to ask you to let me off.

Sarah Addams is one of my nieces who has lived at Hull-House a great deal and has lately had charge of a settlement in Pueblo. For many reasons it was impossible for me not to be at the wedding.

Perhaps another winter I will be able to do more speaking. This year seems to be my time for staying at home and accomplishing what I may in Chicago.

Thanking you for your courtesy in the matter and regretting that I must seem to have changed ↑it↓ an unpardonably late date ↑day↓, I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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