Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, September 10, 1907


My dear Alice

Thank you very much for the birthday present. I am going to invest in a fine old fashioned clock we saw at Gloucester the other day. [At] least the case was fine and I quite yearned to have in one of the old rooms of H.H.

I hope very much that you are coming to Chicago when Marcet comes east. I am trying to make a little vacation out of Sept by taking few speaking engagements and otherwise prolonging the summer ↑because of a somewhat battering winter↓. We would have lots of time to go to an aurist together and any where else that you would like to go.

It is quite possible that Esther and [page 2] her family will go back to Albuquerque Oct 1st if Charlies offer there turns out to be as good as it looks now. It might be your only chance to see the children for a long time -- I always think of them as "Mary's grandchildren" and almost wrote it so -- and I assure you that they are well worth seeing. "Brother" is one of the most enticing young persons I have ever encountered. 

We are making some changes at the House which I am sure you would find interesting, I won't try to describe them but will send you the H.H. Year Book upon which I have been working steadily for a week.

Please give my love to Marcet and do plan to come in Sept. for a long visit.

Always your loving sister Jane Addams
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Please excuse pencil, I am writing this on a train for in spite of my resolution not to lecture I am addressing a convention of Episcopal clergymen at Wheaton today. I am expecting Laura back from Colorado today or tomorrow her special ticket expires. She has had a nice visit with Sarah. She & Miss Hannig went out together as you doubtless know.