Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Jane Addams, February 3, 1906

Gueur Hall
The University of Chicago
February 3--

My dear Miss Addams:

I am returning a good deal of material which you may want to keep, and sending some replies to the letters I sent.

It is Mr. Neill's work I think to persuade Mr Tawney that there is [page 2] legislation justifying the appropriation.

You have doubtless noticed what he says about [illegible] pervading the Senate only after the House has acted. Perhaps Mrs. Dorr should have a hint to that affect, but if the time is short so Mr. Neill thought it would be, I should think she might go for both houses at the same time. [page 3] Mrs. Robins and I met and she has doubtless reported.

Yours to command always

S. P. Breckinridge