Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Kate Foster Gorham, January 4, 1918


January 4, 1918.

My dear Mrs. Gorham:

Thank you very much for the clipping which you sent to Miss Addams. She has asked me to acknowledge this to you and to thank you for your consideration in sending it to her. Miss Addams has seemed very well since she came back from Philadelphia and is certainly planning a strenuous time while she is in New York attending a Board meeting. She expects to speak on Sunday, January 13th, at Dr. Moskowitz's invitation, for the National Conference on Tuberculosis, and she also attends the luncheon given by Dr. Lynch.

I wonder whether you could send to the National Office several copies of the list of new books which Mrs. Mead announces that the Massachusetts Branch has prepared. I think there will probably be some calls for these and I should be very glad indeed to have some on hand.

With best wishes for the New Year, I am

Very sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary.

Mrs. Richard H. Gorham,
421 Boylston Street,
Boston, Massachusetts.