Jane Addams to Stanley Ross Linn, July 25, 1923


Dear Stanley --

I left the hospital yesterday and we are here in Nikko in the midst of the mountains for convalescence.

It was very nice to have your dear cable and to know that we are going to see you all so soon -- including the new baby to whom I send my warmest welcome and my love. We leave here Aug 23d, spend a week in Honolulu and take a steamer from there direct to Los Angeles where we land Sept 15. I will write again of the name [page 2] of the boat &c. It will be so nice if you can meet us.

Alice Hamilton arrived last Monday and we are all going home together.

This is my first letter and therefore a little shaky but it takes love from Mary Smith and myself to the entire family.

Always your loving Aunt Jane.

July 25" 1923