Ernest Flagg Henderson to Jane Addams, June 13, 1917

Monadnock N.H
June 13, 1917

Miss Jane Addams

Dear Miss Addams

I am taking the liberty of sending you an article to see whether it strikes you, as it does me, that its publication might help to soften the hatred that just now is being poured on the head of our supposed arch enemy. Probably your mail is censored [page 2] in this land of liberty and you may not get it. I have been careful not to say so too plainly but it seems to me that [W--] has always opposed the pan-German party -- moreover that that party, though very rabid, was small and on the defensive previously to the war. I wonder if the article will give you that impression. Why otherwise should Bernhardi's book be spoken of as brave? [page 3]

I sent the article to the Atlantic but they have invented an excuse for not taking it. I had not expected them to be so polite. I should much appreciate any advice from you.

I had the pleasure of meeting you once at the Dublin Club.

Yours very truly

Ernest F Henderson

P.S. I have sometimes wished we had the habit of publishing pamphlets & securing their circulation.

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