Jane Addams to Emily Greene Balch, July 19, 1917

Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear Miss Balch

I would really rather come next week (or meet in Bar Harbor as you decide). I speak here at <the> Y.W.C.A. on Sunday afternoon July 29" & we will probably leave the 1st of Aug. so that some time between Wednesday the 25" & Saturday the 28" would suit me best -- the place to be [page 2] determined by you -- for the matter of transportation is the most serious item. When are you going back to Boston. Do you think it possible to have a meeting of "The Five" in Boston about the 2d of August?

I have written to Mrs Mead about it <who is in Boston now> & probably Mrs Andrews would be near.

There are a 1000 things I want [page 3] to talk about. Have you read Veblen's book on the Nature of Peace?

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

July 19" 1917