Louise de Koven Bowen to Jane Addams, May 6, 1906


May 6th

Bar Harbor, Maine.

Dear [Miss] Addams

Your letter of May 4th just arrived and I note the bids are $47677. I wonder if this includes the Pond's Commission which I suppose must amount to about $2300. [page 2] In this case the building would cost just $50,000 – I am not surprised they were larger than he expected. Things always do cost more than one expects, but this building is going to be done right and we are not going to cut [page 3] down and have things not right and then in a year or two pull them all down. So unless you can see some thing that might just as will be left out, tell the Ponds to go ahead, no matter whether commission is included or not – and please you are not to ask anyone [page 4] for any money for the furnishings. I am going to do that myself and it's going to be just as you want it. Mr Pond should have had all the bids in before I left, then you need not have been bothered. Next time I put up a building I'll give him a years notice instead of six months. I [page 5] conclude he hasn't even begun yet and when you see him you might [express?] to him that I am in a towering rage and that he must pass the [illegible], if he puts on that little [illegible]. Can he [ought] to put on a [man] to push him. Please don't give the [sum] [page 6] total a second thought its all right and if the building proves a success I shall ↑be↓ only too thankful.

If you want some one to really nag Mr. Pond, Mr Bowen is in town and is excellent at his address is.

529 The Rookery

Telephone Harrison 1040 [page 7]

It's very much like Winter here yet. Mrs Pelham is very good and visits here once a week about the club.

Aff'ly Yours

Louise deKoven Bowen