Allen Bartlitt Pond to Louise de Koven Bowen, May 8, 1917


IN RE: Hull House

May 8th, 1917.

Mrs. Joseph T. Bowen,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mrs. Bowen:

The program which had been tentatively agreed upon between Mrs. Schwabacher and the University of Chicago Settlement by which the Schwabacher bequest to Hull House was to be used for the building of a Schwabacher memorial building in connection with the Chicago University Settlement has been definitely abandoned and Mrs. Schwabacher and the Settlement have agreed that the principal shall be kept intact and the income used to help the maintenance of a boys' camp under the auspices of the Settlement.

When the question came up of turning the principal itself over to the University of Chicago Settlement, Mr. Joseph W. Moses, attorney for Mrs. Schwabacher, rendered it as his opinion that the principal could not be turned over to the University Settlement by Hull House, but that Hull House could utilize the income for the support of a summer camp, making the University Settlement its agent in connection therewith. Accordingly, Mrs. Schwabacher and her two children, being the only surviving members of the family, have executed a document of date 27 April addressed to the Trustees of Hull House and authorizing them to turn the income of the bequest over to the University Settlement for use of a boys' camp "so long as such camp is continued." I have the documents here in my hands and the first time I happen to go with you to cut coupons we will place it in the safety deposit box along with the Hull House records.

Mr. Bond requests, in forwarding the documents, that the [page 2] income be payable annually, or preferably, semi-annually, to Mr. George H. Mead, treasurer of the University of Chicago Settlement. I have told Mr. Bond over the telephone that I see no difficulty in the way of carrying out the desires of the Schwabacher family and that we will either turn over to them the coupons directly or a check for the equivalent, as may best suit you. It may be that it will be wise for you to deposit the coupons and send a check which will thus give you a record automatically of the transaction. The only objection I see to this procedure is that it mixes up the Schwabacher account with the Hull House account unless you see fit to deposit the coupons to your private account and mail the check, in which case we dodge the Hull House auditor and do not have to go to the Hull House books with the matter. Whichever you and Miss Addams decide will be the more convenient will be entirely agreeable to me and I suggest that the coupons be sliced in due time and the process set under way.

Sincerely yours,

Allen B Pond [signed]