Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Jane Addams, April 1, 1906

[Green] Hall
The University of Chicago

Sunday Night, April 1-–

Dear Miss Addams:–-

May I report that I have "jumped my job" and withdrawn from the public service? I did not want to do so without reporting to you.  I was sorry to do it before the work was all done; but my University work begins [page 2] tomorrow. I thought for a time I could carry both; but lately I have been persuaded that I am not well enough balanced. Either one absorbs me--and I was getting where I could not sleep. The vision of the day's work presses in so! Not my own day's work but that of the [army] of girls I see marching past me now. After all, I suppose I must try to keep [page 3] sane.

May I try to tell you a little of what your article in the March Ladies Home Journal means to me? No I won't try but I do thank you for it with all my heart. It is so wonderful-–so wonderful. Dear Miss Addams, life is so rich and beautiful in a community in which there is an [page 4] occasional glimpse into your daily life. I am so unspeakably glad that this vision is shared now with others beyond the geographical bounds. It is truly a beatific vision.

I never can show you any thing of the gratitude I feel for you. It would not please you and we are [illegible] with those whose life means so much, but tonight I want to try just to tell you a little of how my heart overflows with pure gratitude [page 5] that to us is given such riches and beauty and radiance. The printed page seems to me fairly luminous.

Always faithfully and gratefully yours

Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

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