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University of Chicago
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Mentioned in (71)
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Jane Addams to Vida Dutton Scudder, April 25, 1900
Address to the Chicago Institute, June 21, 1901
George S. Goodspeed to Jane Addams, July 2, 1901
Speech to the South Side League of Parents' Clubs Reunion, February 23, 1902 (excerpt)
Mary Louise Marot to Jane Addams, March 21, 1902
Statement on Train Wreck, May 12, 1902
Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, June 12, 1902
Jane Addams to Whom It May Concern, July 3, 1902
Idea of the Social Settlement, July 12, 1903 (excerpt)
The Idea of the Social Settlement, July 12, 1903 (excerpts)
Lecture to the University of Chicago, August 1, 1903 (excerpt)
Address to Second Congressional District of Illinois, September 29, 1903
Hull House and Its Neighbors, May 7, 1904
Jane Addams to William Rainey Harper, October 22, 1904
Jane Addams to Henry P. Chandler and William Rainey Harper, December 12, 1904
Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, December 26, 1904
Henry P. Chandler to Jane Addams, December 28, 1904
Recent Immigration: A Field Neglected by the Scholar, January 1905
Social Settlements in Illinois, January 25, 1906
Jane Addams's Own Story of Her Work: The First Five Years at Hull-House (Second of Three Installments), April 1906
Sophonisba P. Breckinridge to Jane Addams, April 1, 1906
Jane Addams's Own Story of Her Work: How the Work at Hull-House Has Grown (Third of Three Installments), May 1906
Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, August 3, 1906
Edward L. Burchard to Jane Addams, January 16, 1907
James Weber Linn to Jane Addams, May, 1908
Jane Addams to [Donors], May 18, 1908
Helen Louise Johnson to Jane Addams, April 23, 1910
Jane Addams to Graham Wallas, May 7, 1910
Julia Henrietta Gulliver to Jane Addams, August 23, 1910
Interview with Jane Addams, January 30, 1911
Earle Vaydor Pierce to Jane Addams, July 23, 1911
Edith Abbott to Jane Addams, July 25, 1911
James Harrington Boyd to Jane Addams, March 4, 1912
Jane Addams et al. to Harry Pratt Judson, November 25, 1912
Albion W. Small to Jane Addams, ca. 1913
Jane Addams to Julia Clifford Lathrop, May 29, 1914
Byron Rufus Newton to Unknown, April 7, 1915
Jame B. McCreary to Unknown, April 7, 1915
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Laura Hanes Cadwallader, March 18, 1916
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, September 15, 1916
Suggestions for Work in War Time, May 1917
Jane Addams to Anna Marcet Haldeman-Julius, December 25, 1919
Raymond Unwin to Jane Addams, August 3, 1920
Graham Taylor to Jane Addams, August 11, 1920
Notes on Elena Landázuri, November 29, 1920
Jane Addams to Manley Ottmer Hudson, April 16, 1921
Jane Addams to Manley Ottmer Hudson, December 2, 1921
Manley Hudson's Engagements, February 1, 1922
A Peace Message From Women of Europe, July 8, 1922
Jane Addams to Vilma Glücklich, December 4, 1923
Browse all documents that mention "University of Chicago"
Abbott, Edith (1876-1957)
Allen, Dr. William Harvey (1874-1948)
Briggs, Mrs. (University of Chicago staffer)
Capps, Joseph Almarin (1872-1964)
Carlson, Anton J. (1875?-1956)
Cha, Liang-chao (1897-1982)
Clark, John Maurice (1884-1963)
Dewey, Ethel Lillian (1879-1966)
Dewey, John (1859-1952)
Donelly, Thomas Edward (1876-1955)
Dunn, Margaret Carol (1902?-1927)
Gillespie, Frances E. (1885?-1948)
Goode, John Paul (1862-1932)
Hakes, Zoe-May Sutherland (1905-?)
Hardcastle, Frances (1866-1941)
Hirsch, Emil Gustav (1851-1923)
Judson, Harry Pratt (1849-1927)
Kellor, Frances Alice (1873-1952)
Kling, Henry Frank (1857-1919)
Kohn, Esther Loeb (1875-1965)
Krehbiel, Edward Benjamin (1878-1950)
Lansingh, Van Rensselaer (1873-1956)
Learned, Henry Barrett (1868-1931)
Lovett, Robert Morss (1870-1956)
Marshall, Leon Carroll (1879-1966)
Mason, Max (1877-1961)
McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham (1861-1947)
Mead, George Herbert (1863-1931)
Mead, Helen Kingsbury Castle (1860-1929)
Merriam, Charles Edward, Jr. (1874-1953)
Millikan, Robert Andrews (1868-1953)
Moody, William Vaughn (1869-1910)
Moore, Addison Webster (1866-1930)
Palmer, Alice Freeman (1855-1902)
Park, Robert Ezra (1864-1944)
Payne, Walter A. (1865-1942)
Pierce, Earle Vaydor (1869-1959)
Raycroft, Joseph Edward (1867-1955)
Raymond, Jerome (1869-1928)
Reynolds, Myra (1852-1936)
Schütze, Martin (1867-1950)
Senior, James Kohn (1889-1976?)
Slaught, Herbert Ellsworth (1861-1937)
Smith, Alexander (1865-1922)
Steiger, Andrew J. (1900-1970)
Straton, John Roach (1875-1929)
Strong, Charles Augustus (1862-1940)
Sweet, Ada Celeste (1852-1928)
Wallace, Elizabeth (1865-1960)
Young, Sarah Weber Addams (1877-1951)
Browse all members of "University of Chicago"
Quadrangle Club
Hutchins, Robert Maynard (1899-1977)
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