Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, August 7, 1904



I saw Aunt Sarah yesterday who was looking very well. Your father had gone to Wheaton for Sunday, Frank had left for the West and she and Miss Christenson were as cozy and happy as possible. Margaret Fletcher with Richard and Polly had gone to the park and [although] I was there for more than an hour, they did not come back. Affairs here are very satisfactory. Mrs Britton has taken hold of the nursery in great shape as well as the [Fresh] Air work. The cocaine raid which A. Hamilton started is really a big [page 2] thing and [the] new Miss Binford is doing very well with it. I have interviewed about ten boys and am beginning to get a little insight. The strike is in the air, and I by no means have the same impression of its being lost as I had from the eastern papers.

I had my usual time of not sleeping last night but in a day or two shall be adjusted to the dear old spot. Mr Pond was out of town so that I haven't seen him, [although] they have been working for a week on the new foundations. My love to you both. I almost feel dead, so homesick am I. 

Always yrs J.A. 

Aug 7" 1904