Fanny Garrison Villard to Jane Addams, February 15, 1917


<Yours with warmest affection, Fanny G. Villard.>

Feb. 15, 1917.

Dear Miss Addams: --

I saw Mrs. Thomas in Washington and learned with sorrow that you had again been quite ill. How many people there are in the world <who> would give anything they possess to restore you to perfect health! We needed [page 2] your presence, greatly when our delegation went from Senator to Senator and from Representative to Representative. [Everywhere] we were treated with respect and courtesy. Senator Wadsworth was, I am sure, not convinced by the arguments that were made and that was to be expected, for he is an out [page 3] and out militarist. But Senator Stone of the Foreign Relations' Committee said that he was with us and that he did not want war. Mr. [Tumulty] could not have been more polite and gracious than he was to us. Altogether, the result of the labors of the Peace delegation was more far-reaching [page 4] than we could have expected. It seems to me that much courage is being given to timid pacifists. We have to rely more than all else, upon the President who will keep us out of war, if that be humanly possible. Our Evening Post stands almost alone for Peace. The attitude of the majority of suffragists in following the leaders in preparing for war <is very sad.> Nothing <seems more disheartening to me than that.>