Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, December 2, 1916


Rec'd DEC 5 1916 [stamped]

December 2, 1916

My dear Mr. Kellogg:

I am very much afraid that the articles by [Bertrand] Russell would be much too abstract for The Survey. He is, as you know, a philosopher, and even his "Justice in War Time" which is supposed to have been a very popular lectures, would I think, in places be a little too stiff for The Survey readers. I have therefore not cabled as you suggest as I want to talk to one or two people before doing anything about Mr. Russell. Starr

[written in right margin] <Miss Breckinridge who has often heard him thinks the lectures would be quite impossible!>

I also doubt very much whether he would be allowed to send his articles out of the country, but that is another question. If you still think that you want them, will you telegraph me to that effect and I will cable.

I am to be allowed to go to Washington for a week, and leave on Wednesday the 6th. I shall be at the Hotel Ebbitt and hope very much that you can get away. The Oppressed Nationalities Conference is moving on rapidly.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]