Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, September 20, 1901

Sept 20" 1901

My dear Alice

Your letter about Marcets dress came only the day before we were starting for Saratoga. Miss Gernon [promised] to see to it and send it. I am sure you will like her taste as she is regarded as the best dressed lady in H.H. I was sorry not to be able to get it [in] [page 2] but if it is not right you will let me change it when I get back.

Mary Smith and I arrived here yesterday morning. I speak at a Unitarian Conference Wed. and we came early that J. Weber might meet us here as well as Sister Kelley. They are both here and [we] are having a charming little visit. [page 3]

Weber is big and broad with a beard. He is very good looking and in high spirits as the novel he wrote this summer has just been accepted by Macmillan and is to come out in March. I hope that you can see something of him at Christmas and that we can all have a visit together. With love to Marcet Always your loving sister Jane Addams.