David Starr Jordan to Jane Addams, February 18, 1916


February 18, 1916.

Miss Jane Addams,
Colorado Springs, Col.

Dear Miss Addams:

I am sorry you are ill again. You will find a most cordial welcome when you reach Riverside. I thank you for your kind letter and its various enclosures.

I note that the Berne Conference is likely to be postponed until the French representatives can come in. It seems to me that this Conference is the most important of the movements now extant. The Ford expedition may turn out for good. The initial rush and the choice of impossible people will be forgotten by-and-by. But the mediation group is handicapped by Mr. Aked whose only power is that of a public speaker, his disposition being such that his church, at least, found it impossible to work with him, and the same story comes from his [ministerial] associates. Mrs. Fels is an excellent woman, but not likely to have any important place in such a mediation. Barry is a clever writer and a nice fellow, but as far as I know, he knows nothing whatever of European affairs. It is unfortunate that you cannot go. Mr. Bryan will not go to stay any length of time, and probably Dr. [Kirchwey] would not find much possibility as long as Aked is at the front.

I had given a good deal of thought as to what might be done in private mediation, but nothing can be done unless somebody of patience and wisdom can select the mediators. The group of the Organization for Durable Peace is very well selected both as to Europe and America.

Perhaps Mrs. Jordan and I may go to [America?] in any event trying to lend a hand wherever it is possible.

The hearings at Washington were admirable.

Sincerely yours,