Jane Addams to Frederick Lynch, January 19, 1916


My dear Dr. Lynch:

I am sending you under separate cover the manuscript of an address by Reverend Martin D. Hardin, Pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Mr. Bryan has spoken most favorably of this paper and wishes that it might be widely distributed. This seems to me to come under the activities of the Church Peace Union, and I am writing to ask if you would be so good as to have it printed. Mr. Hardin himself, as well as Mr. Bryan and I, think that it might be cut down a little and would leave the reduction to your judgment.

Mr. Hardin expects to read this paper on the 14th of February before the Union Minister's Meeting of Chicago, and would like very much to have printed copies for distribution on that occasion.

Will you kindly let me know whether you can undertake this or not, and whether it will be possible to have it published by the date I have mentioned.

Hoping very much that this can be done, I am

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Frederick Lynch,
70 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

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