Louise de Koven Bowen to Jane Addams, May 17, 1904

Bar Harbor, Me.
May 17th

My dear Miss Addams

I received your letter and the plans today and am delighted that you succeeded in [cashing] the money. I will send you a check for $10000.00 some time soon not later than June 30th. I telegraphed today to you that I approved of the plan you sent. I have no objection to [page 2] the Greeks except that I didn't want to build particularly for them and I hope that having their club [house] does not mean that you have to raise much more money so that the work will have to be delayed. I think it would be nice to put up the building at once so that it could be [central?] [illegible]. Have you got the [illegible] at once to explore what you are losing from the [page 3] old buildings that I suppose you are to tear down. Please go ahead with the building & make any changes that you [illegible] without consulting me. I feel that you know so much better than I do what is needed at Hull House that what ever you do is perfectly satisfactory so far as I am concerned. The [fort] that the City Homes has decided not to build at present is not encouraging for my [out look] in the tenement line. I hope that before next [page 4] Fall, land & building will be cheaper. When you go East will you look again into the tenement question. The last tenements put up in New York on 42nd St. were not half full -& I doubt their ultimate success. The country is lonely now & I am having a very nice lazy time.

Sincerely Yours

Louise de Koven Bowen

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