Frederick Lynch to Jane Addams, December 31, 1914




Dear Miss Addams:

I am very much interested in the letter which you forwarded me regarding the meeting with Mrs. White at Washington. The Church Peace Union would like to do all that it possibly can to make such a meeting a success, and personally I am thoroughly in sympathy with this move of the women though I am not sure that I am so anxious to have the war stopped at just this moment as is Madame Schwimmer. This is simply because I [cannot] help feeling that there is really not much hope for permanent peace in Europe if the nations which stand for militarism alone as the basis for society should have the determination of the terms of peace. But that is neither here nor there.

The Church Peace Union is simply a Board of Trustees and there are no women among them. Therefore, it cannot send delegates. But there is, you know, a very powerful Commission on Peace and Arbitration of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. This Commission of sixty members is officially representative of the whole body of Protestant churches in the United States with one or two exceptions. On this Commission there are two women, whom I had the honor of "forcing in" when I was Secretary of the Commission three years ago. These women are your friend Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College and Mrs. Elmer Black of New York. I am quite sure that [page 2] Dr. Remensnyder, who is Chairman of this Commission, would be glad to name these two women as delegates from the Commission on Peace and Arbitration, and I will take this up with him if you think it is wise. Furthermore, I should be very glad to bear their expenses out of the funds of The Church Peace Union.

I will wait until I hear from you before writing Mrs. White or taking the matter up with Dr. Remensnyder.

Yours very truly,

Frederick Lynch [signed]


Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 South Halsted St.,