Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, May 29, 1914



May 29, 1914.

My dear Mrs. Blaine: --

I am very much distressed that I misunderstood our conversation held so long ago in regard to the Hull-House endowment.

It is always difficult to recall a conversation, isn't it, and I do not for a moment insist upon the accuracy of my impression. But I am sure you will believe that I made my report to the Hull-House trustees in all good faith, and had no notion that I was misinterpreting or forcing a situation.

May I say in my defense that three other gifts to the endowment which I reported at the same time, have been paid, and that I spoke of them all somewhat lightly as "kindly promises".

As it was upon that report that Mrs. Bowen and I based our call, it is easy to see how the misunderstanding was continued.

Your letter makes the situation perfectly clear. You must have thought me most importunate during the last few months in regard to the matter, and in spite of my chagrin I am glad to have my position also cleared. If you will consent to drop the matter from your mind you will add one more to the long list of kindnesses I have received from you.

Always faithfully yours,
 Jane Addams [signed]


Mrs. Emmons Blaine

Chicago, Illinois.

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