William Henry Dean to George A. Schilling, December 19, 1906


Chicago, December 19, 1906. 

Mr. George A. Schilling,
President, Board of Local Improvements.

Dear Sir:

The following three streets ↑are the ones↓ named in my report to you of the 18th inst. as forming routes for traffic between Milwaukee and Archer Avenues: Center Avenue, Ashland Avenue and Western Avenue. To these I have added a fourth, Union Street, which would require the use of Halsted Street for a portion of the distance.


Center Ave., from Milwaukee Ave. to Kinzie St.,  5/8 mi.

Ann St., from Kinzie St. to Madison St.,  1/2 mi.

Center Ave., from Madison St. to 22nd St., 2 mi.

Throop St., from 22nd St. to Archer Ave., 5/8 mi.
↑3 3/4↓

The Throop Street bridge over the South Branch of the river is a new one of bascule type.


Ashland Ave., from Milwaukee Ave. to Lake St., 1 3/8 mi.

Paulina St., (one block [illegible].) from Lake St. to 12th St.    1 1/4 mi.

Ashland Ave., from 12th St. to Archer Ave. 2 mi.

↑4 5/8↓

Of the three bridges on Ashland Avenue over the South Branch of the river and Illinois & Michigan Canal, the two over the canal are inadequate for heavy traffic.


Western Ave., from Milwaukee Ave. to Archer Ave., 6 mi.

Of the three bridges over South Branch of the river, Drainage Canal and Illinois & Michigan Canal, the last named is wholly inadequate for heavy traffic.


Union St., from Milwaukee Ave. to Madison St., 1/2 mi.

Desplaines St., from Madison St. to 12th St., 1 mi.

Union St., from 12th St. to 22nd St., 1 mi.

Halsted St., from 22nd St. to Archer Ave., 3/8 mi.

↑[2 7/8]↓

Respectfully submitted,
W. H. Dean [signed]
Assistant Engineer