Mary Redfield Plummer to Mabel Lamberson Sippy, September 26, 1912


September 26, 1912.

Mrs. Bertram Sippey,
5615 Woodlawn Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Mrs. Sippey:

I cannot imagine you anything but a Progressive. If I am right, and you will help, may I put you on my list as one of the speakers? We want women who will give little talks -- about fifteen or twenty minutes in length, on the part of the platform which particularly appeals to us.

We are having an increased number of calls from the chairman of the county and state organizations, and very much covet your help.

May I hear from you soon, and if you consent, as I hope you will, send me your telephone number, that I may reach you promptly.

Most cordially yours,

Chairman Speakers' Bureau.

Mrs. George W. Plummer,
Progressive Headquarters,
LaSalle Hotel.

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