Aurora Thompson Fisk Zueblin to Jane Addams, February 7, 1925



February 7. 1925.


Our dear Jane Addams:

It is always so extremely nice to hear from you, and for that reason if no other your cable has given us much pleasure. Tucked away at home somewhere is one of your lost handkerchiefs that has been held sacred in my possession for lo these many years. And now I shall have the trophy of a personal cable. But we are having our fun in the group beside for Alice and Ella and I have shared it a bit gleefully with Miss Holmes, but not a word does Miss [Glücklich] say to any of us about hers! So there in a manner of speaking we all are, that is here of there, but we don't know [which.]

We are now really settled down here in this charming apartment overlooking the University grounds, and Alice and Ella are in an apartment next door, where we join them for dinners. The activities of the Union are growing and thickening, and the chances for service and welcome seem unusually good. The two men with whom I [have] most to deal, Mr. Fatio and Conrad Hoffmann are most considerate and generous so that I am much comforted and encouraged in that way. Mr. Hoffmann is off just now for several weeks in the Balkans on Student Relief work, and he took with him all of Charles clothes, [so] that I had the satisfaction of disposing of them where they were most needed and yet with some personal feeling.

Last Wednesday I had a birthday and Anne gave me quite a party, where were present Alice and Ella and Miss Holmes, and Cornelia Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gavit, while three Russian refugees, special pets of Miss Holmes furnished most of the talent. [page 2]

The young man who played the piano does our floors here each morning at ten francs a week, and his sister who has a lovely voice and is an [exquisite] creature sews all day for a pittance. It surely is a poor old [world] now, isn't it? A German [girl] came in to see me today, who is a trained librarian, and will [probably] accept kitchen quarters and work with me from three o'clock till ten. Perhaps she can later transfer to the library when there is one!

Once again thanking you for your response, and always for all your "responses" to so many of us who need them.

With constant affection,

Rho Fisk Zueblin [signed]