Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, June 12, 1924



6, Rue du Vieux-Collège

June 12, 1924.

Dear Miss Addams,

I feel awfully guilty for not have written you before; but my first week over here seemed a misty day after a beautiful dream. I had just the energy to prepare the News Letter that is posted today and to answer the most important [correspondence] that had come in during my absence. My only "public" performance was to take part in a Conference of representatives of all the international and pacifistic organizations here in order to discuss the Spiller plan of a World Campaign of seven years against War. As before in his publications, I found his plan rather indefinite and had to tell him that our Executive Committee had not decided to join his action in a permanent way but would be ready for cooperation in any concrete steps to be taken if they correspond to our line of action.

In the mean time I received Miss Heymann's letter telling me that you would like to have a complete list of our Associate Members and that I should send that of the U.S. members to the Washington office ↑too↓. We post the list to you in two registered sets of printed matter; I do not think the office needs a list, because we had sent them that of 1923 and all the additions since for the former News Letters that were posted to America from there.

The balance sheets for the Congress Report will come after some days; I have asked an expert to make an exact one of the second half of 1923. Following the suggestion of Miss Balch on May 9th, in the meeting of the Finance Committee, I shall have the bookkeeping controlled two or four times a year, according to the cost of the work. I should like very much to prepare the Treasurer's Report, as we have not any treasurer, but I so clearly [realized] how little I understand of your way in dealing with [page 2] financial questions that I am afraid I should only make confusion by all the good will I could show.

We try to get our resolutions into the press here; I enclose a clipping of the Journal de Genève to show you that some times we succeed to seem quite official, getting into the column of the League of Nations. I wonder whether the American Press is still excited about us and whether Congressman McLean's lovely bill is considered as a quite serious one.

The Council of the League had its first meeting yesterday and I behaved and attended it; Léon Bourgeois, Lord Paramoor and Branting are the outstanding personalities and Benes presiding is very interesting too. Today they are discussing merely technical questions and I spare the time in order to attend to the [correspondence] which is nearest to my heart.

Next week the International Labour Conference will meet and I try to get Margaret Bondfield for a public speech, without much hope to get her consent.

I hope very much that you have some rest and quiet after the rush we brought over there. I am awfully sorry to learn that Mrs. Hull fell ill in the second half of May; I hope she has recovered by this time and will be helpful to you in sharing the burden of work and responsibility of which, alas! we cannot take over the part we ought and should like.

Mme. Duchêne would like the European Sections to work energetically against chemical warfare; I suppose they will discuss the question at Paris after the Andania-passengers arrive there and then a circular letter will have to go out.

I shall not send any circular letter about a drive for new Associates, as Miss Heymann told me that you want to do it from the U.S.A.

Let me tell you once more how deeply thankful I am for the wonderful opportunity your hospitality provided me; as far as my forces allow it, I desire to prove it by intensifying my work and making it more efficient.

Devotedly yours

Vilma Glücklich

↑Miss Balch's letter just arrived. I shall send all the book-keeping data to her.↓