Jan. 13, 1925.
My dear Mr. Kennedy:
Replying to yours of the 9th may I say, first: I should think $1,500 is not too much for Cleveland to raise as its portion for the Barnett Fellowship.
Second: People in Cleveland who might be well to go on this committee are such persons as Miss [Myrtle] Jones, Newton D. Baker, Samuel Mather, Paul Feiss, Mrs. Charles Orr, Mrs. Rollin [White], Miss Belle Sherwin. I do not think much of the names of Dean Francis White, Charles Adams, and Rev. Joel Hayden for they have not been long identified with the Settlement movement, and some never identified with it. I do not think that Cleveland will be particularly interested in the Fellowship. Just as my guess, I would say that Mr. Samuel Mather might give five-hundred dollars if he were properly approached; that possibly ten people could be found who would give one hundred dollars each although that would be difficult. Any general appeal would not count for very much. However, Mr. Baker might write a letter to some of his intimate friends who would give ten to twenty-five dollars upon his request, but purely because of his request. I should say the same of other members of the committee. Even Mr. Prentiss, president of my Board, would perhaps not be much concerned about the Fellowship although I do think he might possibly be one of ten to give one hundred dollars. But such gift will be purely on account of personal request.
Third: The thing most characteristic of [Canon] Barnett that impressed me was the fact that he was interested in humanity. Scientists are interested in science. Educators are interested in education. Business is interested in business. Charity is interested in charity. Politicians are interested in politics. But [Canon] Barnett's passion was for humanity. I have always felt that the church and his social theories were submerged when in conflict with the needs of humanity. In this day of feeling for organizations it is well to have a man like [Canon] Barnett among us who has a love for his kind, that transcends all other love.
Fourth: I should think Mr. Rockefeller might be interested in a minor contribution, and by that I mean from one to five-thousand dollars. If you could get someone like Mr. Sims, president of the Alta House Board, to see Mr. Rockefeller, I should think you would be more hopeful of success.
Fifth: The friends whom I happen to know in Philadelphia, do not connect especially with Settlements. Therefore, I doubt whether I could make helpful suggestions there.
Wishing you abundant success, I remain
Very sincerely yours,