Albert Joseph Kennedy to Jane Addams, December 26, 1924



Office of the Secretary
20 Union Park, Boston, Mass.

Dec. 26, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 South Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

I have your letter of the 22nd. I am drawing up a project for presentation to the executive committee. I am seeing Miss Coolidge tonight and will go over the whole matter in detail with her. I will gladly get out the letters to various people in the beginning. I think it would be a decided advantage if they could be written on Hull House stationery and signed by you. People are accustomed and perhaps a little tired of letters from the Secretary of the National Federation. An epistle from you will be a real event and will be read with infinitely more attention.

Faithfully yours,

Albert Kennedy [signed]