Emily Greene Balch to Garland Wheeler Powell, October 30, 1924


October 30, 1924.

↑Also sent to a Mr Bixby who joined in the attack.↓

Mr. Garland W. Powell,
Director of the National Americanism Commission of the American Legion,
Indianapolis, Ind.

Dear Sir:

In view of the newspaper reports to the contrary may I call your attention to the fact that it is not true that this organization requires or ever has required any oath or pledge of its members, the so called "slackers" oath or any other.

Our organization is neither "insidious" nor "disloyal" nor "unpatriotic" but open, above-board and desirous of promoting the welfare of our country and of all peoples everywhere.

I believe that your body is as sincerely convinced as we can possibly be of the horror and waste of war and as eager to find better and equally honorable ways of settling disputes between different countries.

Honest and equally patriotic people differ as to how to [work] for this. Some believe "preparedness" tends to bring war about, others believe the contrary. The discussion of such differences keeps public opinion from stagnating but each side should be careful not to misrepresent the other.

I was pleased to see that in your symposium on what we have learned from the war the reply of our International President, Miss Jane Addams of Hull House was included. I am sending herewith a copy of a statement that will further explain the character and purposes of this organization.

I shall be most happy to give any information about our organization and work. I wish we might receive your publication in exchange for our Bulletins.

I am, Sincerely yours,