Jane Addams to Ida Campbell Mott-Smith Lovett, July 23, 1924


Hull's Cove Maine

July 23d 1924

My dear Mrs Lovett

The sweater came last evening and filled the entire household with rejoicing.

It is exactly what I need here every morning at breakfast and every evening on the piazza.

It will add a gay note to our little house for all the beholders but to me it means something much more than that, as you must know.

How good you were to put into it all that work, the loose sleeves are exactly what I like best about it. [page 2]

I think the idea of having a separate office apart from the meeting hall is a very good one, Miss Boynton had spoken of the possibility of getting office soon in the Kimball building on the same floor as the Chicago Woman's Aid who would rent their audience rooms to us very cheaply and could also perhaps make special lunch room arrangements.

Perhaps however [much] can wait until Sept or even Oct when Miss Boynton will be back, I have always tried to keep a non-interference attitude with the [page 3] Chicago branch -- in the earliest days of the W.I.L. the International, the National & the Chicago Branch were all at the same office and it was rather complicated but always very friendly.

Please give my love to Nancy Jane and all [her] household. I do wish that you and Dr Beatrice would still decide to come up in August -- it is such a wonderful spot for beauty and peace.

Always devotedly yours

Jane Addams

PS. Emily Balch is here for a week & we are working at the International Accts all the time, it seems to us both.