Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, July 21, 1924



6, Rue du Vieux-Collège

21st July, 1924.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams,

Before I leave for my holiday I want to complete the list of American Associate Members, which we sent you towards the end of June, at your request, because since then the Washington office has sent us the list on the basis of which they have been sending out the newsletters during the last year from Washington.

Comparing these with our lists we have found: --

(1) 154 names which had never reached us before of Associate Members whose dues are probably included in the $866 I mentioned to you before, as having been paid by Mrs. Lippincott to the New York National Park Bank without any detailed account.

(2) 61 names appearing on the Washington list, although known to us only as donators to The Hague Conference or as former Members who had not paid their dues since 1922.

(3) 152 names which our office had sent to Washington but which do not appear on the list of the Washington office.

I feel very uneasy about these differences, especially as the 154 names mentioned above have got neither receipts nor anything else since they joined, except the newsletters sent out from Washington. We are sending them now our latest publications and hope that they will be comforted for the neglect of which they are justified in complaining. These differences seem to indicate that Mrs. Karsten was right when she strongly opposed the collection of international dues from the national office. I was not so strongly opposed to it, and I am very grateful for the work the Washington office has done for us; but it is evidently difficult to keep lists in the two offices going on exactly parallel lines.

I got today from Miss Katherine Ward Fisher the enclosed draft of an appeal to the U.S. representatives at the London [page 2] Conference. I sent it to our Belgian, British and French Sections, asking them whether they would be inclined to act on similar lines. I am awfully sorry Miss Marshall is not well, because she would certainly have found the way to make our influence felt at the Conference. Nevertheless, I am rather optimistic about it, especially as Ramsay MacDonald is really a representative of our ideas. But of course it is more difficult to act without compromise in a position of such immense responsibility.

I hope you are getting some rest at last, and as I see that the Federation of Women's Clubs is taking such a strong stand for peace I hope that you will begin to feel a smoothening down of the "preparedness" hysteria, and I am sure that this will make your short holiday a more pleasant one.

Affectionately yours,

Vilma Glücklich [signed]

Enclosures: (a) List (1) mentioned above.

(b) Draft of letter from America.