Jenny Soderberg Runo to Jane Addams, June 28, 1924


Detroit, Mich., June 28th, 1924

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

At the last reg. meeting of the W.I.L. (Detroit branch) seven members were elected for the purpose of formulating plans for a future "Louise Warren Atkinson Memorial."

This com. met for the first time yesterday and our plans are as yet very vague. We wish to honor our beloved Mrs. Atkinson in a fitting manner and suggest to make this memorial educational along Peace lines. As secretary of this as yet temporary committee I was instructed to write you for your opinion, suggestions and help, which we know, you, with your greater experience can and will readily give.

The loss of our President was an irreparable one, it will be well nigh impossible to fill her place, and we can only hope that some woman will rise [page 2] to the occasion, as there is great work to be done next fall and winter and forever after until we reach our goal.

Hoping this finds you in perfect health and with best wishes, I am

Cordially yours,

Jenny S. Runo (Mrs. H. H.)
Secy. of Mem. Com.
101 Farrand Park
H.P., Detroit, Michigan.