Jane Addams to Martha Stout Trimble, November 21, 1923


November 21, 1923

My dear Mrs. Trimble:

I am afraid I shall have to keep to my first decision in regard to sending out my letter later, in the ↑next↓ year. I am not willing to ask for money twice within a year. The understanding was that the National W.I.L. should do what it could in the way of this first drive and that I should come on later. I am sending copies of the letters I used before, which may give suggestions to you for your letter but I shall have to ask that my name be not signed to any letter until a good deal later. I am sure in the long run we will get more money this way.

I am very grateful for your letters as they come along and to know that all is going so well. Miss Woods' letter was really enthusiastic about the work you are doing.

I understand from Miss Woods' letter that she wished for 6000 of the folders sent to Washington to distribute to the individual members and branches. I am ordering 6000 sent to Washington, 2000 sent to Mr. Trimble's office and 2000 sent over here. Miss Holbrook and the others are very anxious to get hold of them at once. I will see Miss Boynton about them as soon as they arrive. How about the cards? Will you write him how many of those he needs?

Feeling confident you understand about the letter, I am

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Mrs. Martha Trimble
Chicago, Illinois