Theodore Roosevelt to Irving Fisher, May 8, 1907




May 8, 1907.

My dear Sir: 

I have examined the memorandum which you left with me in regard to the plan of the Committee of One Hundred. I congratulate the Committee on the progress made in this movement since I talked with you a year ago.

Our national health is physically our greatest national asset. To prevent any possible deterioration of the American stock should be a national ambition. We can not too strongly insist on the necessity of proper ideals for the family, for simple living and for those habits and tastes which produce vigor and make men capable of strenuous service to their country. The preservation of national vigor should be a matter of patriotism.

For this reason, and because many of the problems of public health are interstate in their character, the aid of the Federal Government is necessary to supplement the work of State and local boards of health. Federal activity in these matters has already developed greatly, until it now includes quarantine, meat inspection, pure food administration and federal investigation of the conditions of child labor. It is my own hope that these important activities may be still further developed.

While I could not in advance commit myself to the approval of any specific form of legislation, I can most cordially commend the endeavors of your Committee to bring these matters prominently before the public.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) Theodore Roosevelt

Professor Irving Fisher
President of the Committee of One Hundred
The New Willard,
Washington, D.C.

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