Jane Addams to the Editor of the Chicago Medical Recorder, July 12, 1924


July 12" 1924

Ed. The Chicago Medical Recorder
Medical Recorder Pub. Co.
81 East [Madison] St Chicago

Dear Sir:

May I protest against the statement of my position found in your ↑the↓ leading article in the May and June issue of your journal.

Dr Stone could so easily have discovered my beliefs by consulting my recent book published by Macmillan & Co, entitled "Peace and Bread [in] Time of War" or by the simpler process of telephoning to Hull House. [page 2] I am venturing to sending you a program of the W.I.L. Congress held in Washington also of the summer school held in Chicago ↑in May↓ that you may see the subject of both was not "non resistance" but better international relationships.

I can only hope that the obvious ignorance in the article both of economics and psychiatry may prevent your readers from taking it too seriously.

I should be glad to be told why a scientific journal cared to publish such a ↑wildly misleading↓ article.

Faithfully yours Jane Addams

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