Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, December 21, 1920


December 21, 1920

Jane Addams
Hull House
800 So. [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams: --

Thank you very much for your letter of the 18th, [enclosing] the contribution of $45.25 from the Stuart Club of Boston, and also a letter from W. F. Willcox [of] Cornell. We shall send a receipt direct to Miss Polk.

Do you know to what organization the contribution of $100 mentioned by W. F. Willcox was given. She says it was contributed to the American Committee for Vienna Relief. If the money was administered through our Unit, we shall of course by very glad to get an acknowledgement for it directly from our people in Vienna.

We have received very many of these appeals directly from Vienna, and it makes one feel very hard-hearted not to be able to do something for them all.

Very sincerely yours,

Executive Secretary