Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, October 6, 1920


October 6, 1920.

Jane Addams,
Hull House,
800 S. [Halsted] Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

Dear friend:

Just before Clara Landsberg started for Europe she gave us a check for $200. which has been returned from the bank on account of "insufficient funds". I do not know in whose hands she left her business matters and thought perhaps you might. If so, will you kindly pass on the enclosed?

Your advertisement in the last issue of the New Republic is excellent. It ought to bring a splendid response. We are going ahead with our shipment and hope to have at least $20,000. worth of supplies in this first order and it is quite possible that the American Red Cross will give us somewhere around $50,000. worth of supplies.

We are making plans also for the continuation of our appeal for German relief. I understand that Mr. Hoover is now getting a good committee together in Chicago to put on a campaign for funds for that purpose. I hope his efforts will be more successful than ours have been.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

W. K. T. [stamped]

Executive Secretary.

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