Charles Herbert Levermore to Jane Addams, April 3, 1919


April 3, 1919.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 South Halsted St.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

It gives me much pleasure to inform you that our Board of Directors, this week, voted unanimously to accept the offer of the National Board of the International Committee of Women to join the League of Nations Union. The National members will be eligible for membership in the Union, and will receive the magazine upon payment of the subscription fee.

The Directors also voted that the National Board be invited to nominate persons eligible to serve as Directors of the Union, and empowered our Executive Committee to agree with your representatives upon the selection of at least three names from the list.

I have already written to Mrs. Mead and to Mrs. Karsten. The latter has kindly forwarded lists of members, who will shortly receive sample copies of the magazine. Senator Burton, our President, was called to Iowa, last week, by the death of a brother. He will be detained in the West for a week or more. He was not present at the Director's meeting [page 2] but, before he left town, he gave me his strong approval of the action which the Directors afterwards took.

I have written to Mrs. Spencer and expect to see her, soon.

We have been much upset during the last week by the sudden death of Dr. Dutton. He was prominent, not only in the Union, but in both of the societies of which it was originally formed. We all leaned heavily upon him, and we are much distressed by his loss.

Yours very sincerely,
