Dear Miss Addams,
I received your telegram today and suppose I shall soon learn from you of the hour and place of our meeting on the 12th. I did not wait to learn your plan for a report but submit the enclosed letter as perhaps all that is necessary when it is filled out by Mrs. Karsten where I have left blanks. I am not sure whether you were going to send Mrs. Spencer's full statement [page 2] but I assume that there were enough copies mimeographed to supply all our needs for that.
I trust that you had a prosperous journey south and are not too exhausted with your much travel. For one on "halftime work," you are doing a prodigious amount.
Every day brings new and startling world news which I wish I might discuss with you. I feel that perhaps the next two weeks will be the most crucial period for years.
With best wishes for a Christmas day spent with those you love, I remain, yours, most affectionately
Lucia Ames Mead.