September 15, 1917.
My dear Mrs. Karsten:
I am very glad you are having a vacation. I do hope that it is doing you a great deal of good. We are not taking a vacation this year, but I really have not felt the lack of it, we have had on the whole so cool a summer; and besides, we have been alone in our airy house, with its bath and home comforts and ice, and nobody comes around, and I have found the loneness enormously restful.
As I have written Miss Addams, I am hoping we may have an Executive Meeting in October. If one is called won't you see that Mrs. [Slayden] gets her notification, please? I am sure you will pardon me for mentioning it, but you know she came on the Board after the others, being there as the Chairman of the Legislative Committee, and her name may not be on your working list, though Mrs. Thomas has sent her at least one notification out of her own head. To make it easy I here give her full address: Mrs. James L. Slayden, The Concord, Oregon and New Hampshire Avenues, Washington, D.C.
Best wishes for your reinvigoration,
Faithfully yours,
Alice Thacher Post [signed]