Allen Bartlit Pond to United Charities of Chicago, August 11, 1917


August 11th, 1917.

The United Charities,
160 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.


At the time of the erection of the Mary Crane Nursery building and its transfer to your body for operation, the charge for services to be rendered to Hull House was based on the then cost of labor and fuel. The charge for heating was then put actually below a fair cost value, which should have been 30¢ and upwards instead of 25¢ per sq. ft. of installed radiation. In view of the present rise in coal prices it is impossible to maintain longer the old rate without laying a heavy tax on Hull House for the operating of Mary Crane Nursery.

We are, therefore, submitting to you a change of schedule for services covering the heating of the building and also of the heating of hot water used on the Mary Crane premises. Other items, i.e., annual rental of the premises, charge for electric light and pro rata of charge for pumping cold water are left on the same basis as heretofore.

Please note that the change in rate will go into effect on the first of October.

Yours truly,

Allen B Pond [signed]

Copy to J A

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